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Addressesdiggy@digdeeper.clubdiggy@witch.crft.sh (backup)
OMEMO fingerprints 052CB68D C5F60294 2A30CDBA CCABC3D2 D370403F CF5AA16A 4E8EBC81 A450AF4E E3C26649 53956B1C 59B9B608 EEFF5525 4832063B 42373BA3 01ED0AA1 436F747D
DFED3D25 1D7CB1EE 5B69685A FC49EF59 06E3EAD0 E2D4DC3D 5A696FD4 4FB0E529
OTR fingerprints 0DD0D54D 69CB599B CE7297BC 684FB303 9A3FF939 6610CE72 D7C955B5 2F674A1B 860D35C4 DBD8F77E
BA82299A AD83F813 3FFFFBAE 4BF9EE42 9574054F
Group chatburningtrain@muc.digdeeper.club
Prosody maps ["digdeeper.club"] = "sefm6o6zuv6ebscvxasbjkr5gozns4hdayqrjbpo2ebjf6aebfbsw4id.onion";
["muc.digdeeper.club"] = "sefm6o6zuv6ebscvxasbjkr5gozns4hdayqrjbpo2ebjf6aebfbsw4id.onion";
["digdeeper.club"] = "mlohwmuh5gi6y2z2mjek23pou42fr4bb3efskcezo2ckphkhyqvq.b32.i2p";
["muc.digdeeper.club"] = "mlohwmuh5gi6y2z2mjek23pou42fr4bb3efskcezo2ckphkhyqvq.b32.i2p";

Please compare the fingerprints that appear in your XMPP client to the ones here. If they are different, a hacker might be meddling in our convo.

My XMR address: 83FnHA4VUDBWiTwkqBJssTTV6DaE5NBnoaW2iRTLMMPBeykwgY8EK1U76RjJVLe6YYFgkkWfvMeH3fxVDkFT7GHfFxbRqte. Other causes that seem worthy of donations to me (and accept Monero):

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