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XMPP icon XMPP: diggy@digdeeper.club XMPP icon
OMEMO fingerprint: EBF42F6B 5A3034DA A91F5B5E 5F943A8F 89CDCD81 9D2B03DD B108AD40 12837C0C
OMEMO fingerprint 2: DFED3D25 1D7CB1EE 5B69685A FC49EF59 06E3EAD0 E2D4DC3D 5A696FD4 4FB0E529
OTR fingerprint: 0DD0D54D 69CB599B CE7297BC 684FB303 9A3FF939
OTR fingerprint 2: BA82299A AD83F813 3FFFFBAE 4BF9EE42 9574054F

Please compare the fingerprints that appear in your XMPP client to the ones here. If they are different, a hacker might be meddling in our convo.

Oh, and I have an XMR address at 83FnHA4VUDBWiTwkqBJssTTV6DaE5NBnoaW2iRTLMMPBeykwgY8EK1U76RjJVLe6YYFgkkWfvMeH3fxVDkFT7GHfFxbRqte, but I don't really need the money. Please donate to Sci-hub which I use extensively for my research, or your favorite open source software developer that is likely starving.

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